Unless you’re purchasing from a reputable company or individual who guarantees that their lotions are organic and without synthetic additives, every personal care product you purchase can contain harmful ingredients that build up in your system causing toxicity and leading to functional disorders of the body. Products that sell for hundreds of dollars cost only pennies to produce because they’re primarily synthetic chemicals in a water base.
The methods of the skin care industry have long been kept secret and in this case, what you don’t know can kill you. Most of us don’t think too much about it. We believe that if a lotion is being sold in a store, it must be ok, right? People rely on government organizations and human rights groups to oversee the laws that control the use of harmful ingredients.
But there’s a vast difference of opinion between law makers and scientists, between law and science, and between the ways each of these groups sees the end result.
Synthetic fragrances and the basic synthetic chemical ingredients that constitute much of a lotion’s composition can cause allergic reactions, central nervous system disorders, hyperactivity, skin irritation, fatigue, reproductive disorders, sterility, auto-immune dysfunction, liver and kidney failure, dizziness, and much more.
According to research done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), more than 500 products sold in the U.S. contain ingredients banned in cosmetics in Japan, Canada, or the European Union, and 35 percent of children’s products researched that were marketed as “natural” contained artificial preservatives. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), an international watchdog organization, has assessed fewer than 20 percent of cosmetics ingredients. Eleven ingredients or chemical groups out of that 20% were found to be unsafe, according to the EWGs investigation. But the CIR has no legal authority over companies.
You may be shocked to learn just how many of your lotions and personal products contain not just one, but as many as 100 potentially harmful synthetic ingredients. If you’re using a lot of products, including shampoos, lotions, creams, conditioners, deodorant, nail polish, polish remover, body butters, lip balms, heel creams, sunscreens, insect repellants, and even laundry detergents and toothpaste, it’s best to go natural and organic.
If you feel trapped in a world of chemicals, you can create exactly what you want for your skin as easily as following a kitchen recipe